Networks & Trees
Materials for class on Monday, October 14, 2019
Quiz 2
Design Contest next week and DataCamp 3 due in two weeks (Nov 5.)
Tweet of the day
New #shiny app! Something I've been playing around with for a while - a #dataviz of actors appearing in Wes Anderson films. Now interactive! Using the #wesanderson 🎨📦 of course! Along with #tidygraph and #visNetwork. #rstats
— David Smale 🔎 (@committedtotape) July 3, 2019
Spring 2019 DSBA5122 Group 4’s Final Project by Bala Kuppusamy, Minglan Ye, Jiamin Lei: Social Butterfly Shiny App and Project GitHub repoThat team combined their Design Contest and Final Project on one GitHub repo.
Network Centrality measures by David Schoch’s “Introduction to Centrality Measures” blog post and
package.While there are only a handful of centrality measures that are typically used, there are many different ones that capture slightly different relationships. See David’s periodic table of centrality measures for a more holistic outline of these measures.
François Briatte’s
packageFrançois has a really cool set of pages that show legislature co-sponorship for 27 countries, for example the US Congress or interactive plots for many European legislatures.
Lab: Networks & Trees
- RStudio Cloud project for sample Shiny apps