class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # DSBA 5122: Visual Analytics ## Class 14: Python ### Ryan Wesslen ### December 2, 2019 --- ## Python+R (reticulate) [Reticulate]( is an R package for connecting to an existing python distribution (e.g., Anaconda, virtual environment). <img src="../images/slides/14-class/r_from_python.png" width="700px" /> --- ## Python Configurations <img src="../images/slides/14-class/python_environment.png" width="500px" /> xkcd --- ## 1. Run [RStudio's ML Docker Image]( in one of these ways: 1. Easiest option (free, no local install): [play-with-docker]( 2. Will take time to install (free): [local Docker]( 3. Will cost money: [Digital Ocean Droplet]( This docker image also includes Machine Learning packages (for CPU) like h2o, tensorflow, and [keras]( It can expand to GPU environments too! --- ## 2. ```bash # run in bash command/terminal docker run -e PASSWORD=[create_a_pwd] -p 8787:8787 rocker/ml ``` ![ option]( --- ## 3. Open RStudio via port 8787 You can do this by clicking the "Open Port" button and then typing in 8787. FYI: username: rstudio, pwd: whatever you chose --- ## 4. [Importing python packages]( ```r # run in RStudio console/file # fyi reticulate is prepackaged library(reticulate) os <- import("os") os$listdir(".") # run a python file py_run_file("") # access the python main module via the 'py' object py$x ``` --- ## 5. [Installing python packages]( - Run this in RStudio *terminal*: ```bash #run in rstudio terminal easy_install pip easy_install virtualenv ``` - Restart RStudio session (Session > Restart R) - Run this in RStudio *console*: ```r #run in rstudio console reticulate::py_install("pandas") ``` - Run this to install a demo MNIST model: ```r #run in rstudio console download.file("", destfile = "mnist-keras.R") ``` --- ## Altair: An Interactive Grammar of Graphics Altair is a python package for Vega/Vega-Lite, which are an interactive grammar of graphics. Jake VanderPlas' [Altair Tutorial at PyCon 2018]( --- ## Altair Gallery <> <div class="figure"> <img src="../images/slides/14-class/altair-gallery.png" alt="Altair Gallery" width="500px" /> <p class="caption">Altair Gallery</p> </div> --- ## Colab Notebooks <> <img src="../images/slides/14-class/colab.png" width="700px" /> Think of it as RStudio.Cloud for Python. Even has GPU's! --- ## How to run Altair via a Colab Notebook <img src="../images/slides/14-class/altair.png" width="700px" /> --- ## Run Multiple Tutorials - Go to "GitHub" tab. In the URL, paste "" then press Return (or Enter) - Change Repository to "altair-viz/altair_tutorials" - Open Notebooks Can change to other Repositories like "altair-viz/altair_notebooks" --- ## Links 1. [Docker training]( / [R Docker Training]( 2. Altair tutorial [jupyter notebooks]( and [video]( 3. Yihui's thoughts on [R-Python notebooks]( 4. [Python `reticulate` configuration]( 5. [RStudio `reticulate` cheatsheet](