Quiz 3
Due by 5:59 PM on Monday, November 18, 2019
Quiz 3 can be taken starting on November 12th: Canvas link to Quiz 3
You will have one week to complete the quiz (that is, the quiz must be completed by 5:59pm on November 18, 2019).This is not by midnight, but before the next class.
This quiz will consist of 10 multiple choice questions. You will have 15 minutes to complete the quiz. You may only take the quiz once. Grades will not be available until the quiz closes.I moved this quiz back to 15 minutes.
You will be required to use in-browser locking to prevent you from having other materials open.
Per the syllabus, you are not allowed to use any resources (slides, notes, other people, etc.) when taking this quiz. By taking the quiz, you pledge on your honor that you did not use any unauthorized resource.
No late quizzes accepted. If you do not complete the quiz in time, you will receive 0% grade.
1. Multidimensional (Week 7): 2-4 questions
Chapter 12: Visualizing associations in Claus Wilke, Fundamentals of Data Visualization
Chapter 4: Multivariate Analysis in Riccardo Mazza, Introduction to Information Visualization
2. Networks and Trees (Week 8): 2-4 questions
Chapter 5: Networks and Hierarchies in Riccardo Mazza, Introduction to Information Visualization
3. Intro to Shiny (Week 10): (2-4 questions)
Chapters 2: Your First Shiny App, Chapters 3: Basic UI, and Chapters 4: Basic Reactivity in Hadley Wickham Mastering Shiny